My philosophy on food is that all foods fit.

I don’t like to adhere to good/bad foods, fad diets, or cheat days. I do like to adhere to promoting sustainable lifestyle changes. Your relationship with food is the longest relationship you will ever have, and it will always be evolving. Certain chronic illnesses, diseases, and surgeries can make this relationship stressful. That’s where I come in!

I want to help you find what foods make you feel like your best self, and less stressed about nourishing your body.

My passion and desire for health and wellness led me to pursue a career in nutrition and thus I became a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. I earned my MS in Nutrition and Clinical Exercise at Washington State University, and shortly after I moved to the North Dallas area in 2018.

I’ve worn many hats over the past few years working in corporate, clinical, and rehab settings, but I have finally found my calling in Private Practice accepting insurance to provide nutrition services.

I’ve been interested in nutrition ever since I was in high school after my mom was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I developed food fears, and believed myths from what I thought was research.

My personal beliefs and perceptions of food and health have changed drastically over the years. So, if you ever hear me say, “I get it.” I really do mean I understand. I’ve been there.

My food journey, culture, and experiences are very much my own, but I have had a lot of similar struggles (and successes) as the patients I see every day! You are on a journey to a healthier you and that takes time. I am here to help you navigate and to be successful in this wide world of food.